Riding Sophia and Riding Anouk

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It’s been quite a few years since I wrote these books. Riding Sophia was published on Amazon and went through one small printing, I never did much to publicize the book, which is a bit weird since part of my background is marketing. Riding Anouk was never published and needs an editing pass, at the very least it needs typos and grammatical errors to be fixed. People occasionally ask for a copy, so here’s a link to free copies. Enjoy. It was fun writing these.

I am actually writing a sequel, sort of. I started it a couple of years ago when something prevented me from either getting in the water or riding my motorcycles. I’m being the caregiver for my wife this month since she had knee replacement surgery. She needs a little bell to summon me but I’d probably toss it out a window. I might be able to write in the next few weeks.

Riding Sophia

Riding Anouk